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LMB Cannabis Distribution


Cannabis, Distribution, Branding


Website Development

LMB Cannabis Distribution
LMB Cannabis Distribution
LMB Cannabis Distribution
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LMB Cannabis Distribution
LMB Cannabis Distribution
LMB Cannabis Distribution
LMB distribution is a cannabis wholesaler in the San Francisco Bay area. LMB distribution is fully licensed by the state of California and operates in compliance with all regulations of the Bureau of Cannabis Control. LMB’s distribution license puts them in a unique position to work with cannabis cultivators, manufactures and retail establishments. LMB Distribution takes pride in their quality cannabis products and outstanding customer service team.

*statistics and screenshot may not represent current data

The Client

LMB distribution is a cannabis wholesaler in the San Francisco Bay area. LMB distribution is fully licensed by the state of California and operates in compliance with all regulations of the Bureau of Cannabis Control. LMB’s distribution license puts them in a unique position to work with cannabis cultivators, manufactures and retail establishments. LMB Distribution takes pride in their quality cannabis products and outstanding customer service team.

The Challenge 

After successfully finalizing a very exhausting cannabis licensing project, LMB Distribution was ready to begin their operations. However, there was one missing link that was proved to hold LMB Distribution back from reaching their full potential - their current website. After conducting extensive research on Web Design & Development Agencies with cannabis laws knowledge and experience in a lucrative cannabis industry, LMB Distribution approached Analytix Media with a request to design and develop a fully functioning website with custom features. Besides a clean and modern UX design, the client specified three utmost important criterias:

1. New site must have a custom back end that would allow the client (Vendor) and cannabis retailers (Purchaser) access their account, place wholesale product orders, track order manifest, view and approve delivery manifests, view and communicate with the delivery persons via secure channel to calibrate safe access to and departure from facilities and in some cases reject a part of, or entire manifest.

2. New site must integrate with the state mandated METRC cannabis track-and-trace system and comply with reporting requirements in real time. Each product listed or sold on their website must have METRC Batch ID number, quantity and location information at times, along with a long list of other specifications.

3. New website must comply with all strict cannabis laws and regulations.

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The Solution

Although the project was an undertaking, Analytix Media was no stranger to constantly evolving California Cannabis Laws and Regulations. Currently working with many establishments in the legal cannabis industry, Analytix Media retained a legal team specializing in cannabis law to guarantee compliance at all times. While our design team worked on UI, our team of developers alongside with LMB’s compliance team, worked closely to develop all required functionalities. After integrating the website with METRC and conducting a series of tests Analytix Media finally had a functioning website on hand! Our last and final step was to populate the site with content and legally required disclosures.

Project Features & Outcome

LMB’s state of the art website with custom functionalities was delivered on time, and met all client’s specifications.

Check out Client's Project!
LMB Cannabis Distribution
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What Are The Most Common Mistakes Seen During Our Website Audits?

Building an optimized, user friendly website is a considerably sophisticated task. We come across countless websites in need of major upgrades. Below, we have listed some of the most common mistakes we come across. Although these may be very basic principals, it can make or break your website's purpose, therefore costing you conversions :(

No Call To Action

Perhaps the most common issue we see time and time again, websites with absolutely no structure, no direct call to action and just plain confusing. These sites tend to be either too much or too little and hard to navigate.

Poor Use of Space

Having a clean, simple website is one thing. But, random gaps, overlapping text, excessive fonts, and terrible color schemes can deter a potential lead or sale. Fill space with content, show some info-graphics, & give your site user a reason to stay!

Using a Free Email

Nothing wrong with using a gmail account ... FOR PERSONAL USE. When it comes to your business, DO NOT use a non business email. No one will take you seriously. Business Emails are EXTREMELY cheap. We have you covered. Here you go; You're Welcome!

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Website Development Resources

Looking to build your own site? No problem, here are some resources to help you along the way!
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Throwing content and images on a website is one thing but it's a whole different approach creating a website with clear call to actions and easy flow for your users...

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Website building platforms such as Wix, Square Space, and many others offer templated outlines for easy to build sites. Only downside is not much functionality... 

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Step 1 to starting your business or new brand once you have a name determined, Find a Domain name! Get your .com or any custom domain with our search feature!

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